On March 26, 2024, between 13:22 and 16:33 UTC, Atlassian customers using Confluence Cloud experienced longer than expected loading times or failed page loads. The event was triggered by a code change that added a dependency on a missing configuration which impacted prod-east customers only. The incident was detected within minutes by automated monitoring and mitigated by enabling a redundancy to remove the impacted service, which put Atlassian systems into a known good state. The total time to resolution was about three hours and 10 minutes, with most customers recovering within one hour.
The overall impact was between March 26, 2024, between 13:22 and 16:33 UTC UTC on Confluence Cloud, with most customers recovering within one hour.
Confluence customers may have experienced reduced functionality, slower response times, and limited access when loading Confluence pages, space overview pages, and the home page.
The issue was caused by a code change depending on a missing configuration. After identifying the problem, we quickly reverted the change to mitigate impact to customers.
We know that outages impact your productivity. We are prioritizing the following improvement actions to avoid repeating this type of incident:
We apologize to customers whose services were impacted during this incident; we are taking immediate steps to improve the platform’s performance and availability.
Atlassian Customer Support